About Us
We are 3 women who have decided to empower and support each other.
On this journey, we have discovered the importance of mutual support, kind words, and connection, even from a distance. In this frenetic world, with the daily pressure to excel, we have forgotten that it is also important to learn to "be".
To be complete women: women with dreams, ambitions, talents and flaws. Women who are not defined by roles or social expectations, but by their own essence.
To be valued women: to recognize our intrinsic value, regardless of age, appearance or circumstances. To celebrate our strengths and learn from our weaknesses.
To be fragile women: to accept that vulnerability is part of life and that we should not be afraid to show our emotions. To allow ourselves to feel and be authentic.
To be women with flaws: nobody is perfect and that's okay. To learn to love our imperfections and turn them into strengths.